MAQNA Ascent

MAQNA Ascent

MAQNA Ascent (Access Control System)

MAQNA Ascent (Access Control System) is a software system that is integrated with all Access Control System bought from Armada Integrasi Teknologi (A-IT). It is a system that is used to allow entry only to people with access rights. It can also be integrated with other systems such as CCTV, Alarm and Visitor system. 



  • Real-time and parallel pulling of data - every log received goes into the database automatically and can be tracked on the application.

  • Consistent access rights - system can edit or erase rights immediately and in real-time.

  • Pass-back - does not allow entry with card that did not tap out on the machine.

  • Backup and fingerprint sync can be done automatically and in real-time.

  • Allows multiple cards with different access groups.

  • Supports emergency card usage and visitor system. 


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