Created. Sat, 09 May 2020 14:14:55
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With the advancement of technology, it is common to have CCTV at homes, offices, schools, factories or any private property. CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) consists of two devices, a camera and a recorder. In recent years, Analogue cameras have evolved into IP (Internet Protocol) camera. With the extensive amount of upgrade between the two cameras, you may wonder whether to change to an IP camera or not. We will explain to you further on the differences between the two to help you analyze which one best fits you. 

Created. Thu, 23 Apr 2020 12:05:10
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As a business owner who needs to pay employees’ salaries, payroll is no longer an unfamiliar word. It is the amount of money employers need to pay their employees, which may include information about the details of their pay in pay-slips and how tax and other information are calculated together with their salary. If you are a small business with a handful of employees to pay a fixed salary, payroll does not seem to be that big of a deal. However, if you are a business with employees that have different shifts, unfixed pay, bonuses, commissions and a lot of other factors that may impact an employee’s pay, pay day may not be convenient without a system to help you. It may be time-consuming, confusing and difficult to deal with. This is where Payroll Software plays a role. 

Created. Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:50:00
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Sebagai pemilik bisnis yang memiliki kegiatan rutin membayar gaji karyawan, kata Payroll - penggajian sudah pasti tidak asing lagi. Payroll adalah jumlah gaji yang perlu di berikan ke karyawan, di dalamnya terdapat berbagai informasi rincian pendapatan dan pemotongan yang dapat ditampilkan pada slip gaji, perhitungan pajak dan informasi lainnya yang dihitung bersamaan dengan gaji. Jika jumlah karyawan sedikit, mungkin saja perhitungan gaji bukanlah suatu masalah. Namun, sejalan dengan perkembangan bisnis dan berkembangnya variasi shift yang berbeda, pembayaran upah dengan formula yang kompleks, bonus, komisi dan banyak faktor lain berhubungan dengan pendapatan dan pemotongan gaji karyawan, akhir bulan mungkin menjadi hari yang tidak nyaman, jika tidak memiliki sistem yang dapat membantu. Proses ini bias saja memakan waktu, membingungkan dan sulit untuk ditangani, di sinilah Perangkat Lunak Penggajian (Payroll Software) dapat berperan membantu.

Created. Wed, 08 Apr 2020 15:32:13
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Bekerja di rumah atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah WFH (Work from Home) tidak asing lagi di masa pandemi COVID-19. Walau banyak perusahaan tidak lagi beroperasi seperti biasanya, banyak juga perusahaan lainnya yang tetap melanjutkan kegiatan bisnisnya dengan terbatas. Seperti di Armada-IT, kami sebagai perusahaan penyedia solusi bisnis untuk SOHO hingga usaha besar, kami dituntut untuk selalu stand by melayani kebutuhan customer setia untuk berkonsultasi dan perawatan peralatan pengamanan yang dimiliki. Oleh karena itu, sangat berisiko jika kami menghentikan kegiatan operasional secara menyeluruh.

Created. Wed, 08 Apr 2020 14:24:53
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Due to the current COVID-19 situation, a lot of companies are closing their offices and letting their employees work at home. However, companies need to keep on working and satisfy customer needs at times like these. Especially in Armada-IT, where we provide Business Solutions for SOHO to Large Enterprises. Therefore, it is risky for us to pause operations since we need to provide solutions daily.

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